Just last month, I went to Australia with 2 of my buddies to have a gathering with another buddy who was bonking, oops, I mean studying, happily, in Australia. It was a pity that one more of our buddy was not able to make it due to some committments, but nontheless, we spent a good 7 days over, visiting places like Margaret River, Argusta, Albany and Perth. The trip was fun, but what was better was the accompany that I had with me. What are buddies for..
I became friends with them during my poly days, which is like 7 years ago. Since then, we have been planning to go on an overseas trip together, but never once was it materialised. I'm glad that after so long of planning and talking, this trip happened. Now, with the start of one, I believe more will come.
Even though we might have some differences (The bonking one was taking the photo)
But I am glad that our paths crossed... (Who's the local?)I thank you guys, for being my buddies.. And I hope that 30 years down the road, we will be like those uncles, sitting together drinking coffee or beer, reminiscing the good old days..
As the title states, it IS a boring Monday. I am in the office while most of my colleagues are clearing their off day from yesterday's 21km run. The Army Half Marathon, or AHM as we call it. This is the time where you will get to see alot of your past colleagues and friends, all gathered early in the morning for the run. Of course, other then the Army personnel, the public does register for the run. Afterall, there is a goodie bag to be collected. Singaporeans...
Well, back to my first statement, why am I in the office when everyone else is clearing their off day? I guess its probably because everyone is clearing their off day and that no one will be in the office results in why I am in the office today. Not that I am particularly hardworking, it is just that I think this is the perfect time to slack in the office with no one bothering you. I can always claim my off day on another day when I have better or more urgent things to attend to outside.
Being in the office when not much people are around does have its advantages, like what I am doing now, to blog, surf the net and play my psp. How often can you do these during office hours? To think of it, actually I do it all the time when there is nothing for me to do in the office. But that is besides the point. When there is not much people in the office, you can have the quietness to really think and plan your work(if there is), or other things, which is what I like personally.
I think I shall pen off here. I shall get a nap in the office in preparation for tonight's chores *wink*
Ok folks, after much procrastinating, I have decided to start blogging, again. Previously, I was blogging through the Friendster's blog, but I have decided to shift over to Blogspot instead. The reasons why I wanted to blog still remains largely the same, which is: 1. To improve my English. 2. To update my friends of my well being and stuffs. 3. To share with my friends, my thoughts and thinking. 4. To share with my friends, my experience. 5. My reflections.Probably these are the few things that my blog will consist. Well, I cannot really think of a better way to start my blog, so that explains this crappy post. Stay tuned for my next post, whenever, wherever I feel like posting =)