2 months since I last updated my blog..So many things have happened since then, which I think I should update my well-beings to those who have been checking out my blog, only to turn away with disappointment for seeing the same posts over and over..Let's see what I have done for the past 2 months..
Firstly, I went on a trip to Hong Kong in November. A 7D6N trip. Yes, Hong Kong again..This time not to do shopping, but to take in the scenery and enjoy the 'out of town' feeling. I visited places like DisneyLand, Lantau Island, The Peak, Ocean Park, etc etc.. Places which I didn't visit during my last trip to Hong Kong. The overall trip was fun and fulfilling, I shall upload some photos when I have a better connection.(Yes, I'm blogging at work again ;p)
Secondly, I satisfied one of my cravings. I got a Nintendo Wii =) I spent a total of 690 SGD at Sim Lim Square for my Wii package. Of course, it was a modified set. Do you think I will settle for a non modified set? Haha, for those who know me, I support PIRACY!! As I believed, why pay more when you can get it cheaper?
Thirdly, I had a 'not so good' Christmas. It all started with a small gathering at one of my friend's house. 2nd year running, we went to this friend's house to 'celebrate' Christmas. Basically, we did nothing much except to drink, and not those normal drinks...mixed drinks.. The worst I got was this Black Label + Baileys + Red Wine + Beer..Luckily, even after not drinking for some time, I didn't get drunk on that drink. However, that drink did caused an upset stomach for me for the next few days..
Lastly, 2 days back, I went for a gathering with my buddies. The 'bonking in Australia' one came back for Chinese New Year, so we decided to have a get-together. We went for a 'nourishing' dinner at Joo Chiat, followed by Settler's Cafe in Holland Village. Had some fun playing 'Lord of The Rings' version of monopoly. It's interesting to reminisce the good old times playing those kinda games. Quality time well spent. We chilled at Wala Wala after that, where we popped a few drinks before heading home.
Now, that more or less settles the main updates for the past 2 months. As for those small details, I shall update again when I have the time.. Looks like I have to spend a bit more time on this blog of mine. The initial fire which got me started had died down quite a lot, since there is so much to do at work now. Oh, just a quick update on my work portion. Why am I still at work now? Basically, some @#%#$ planned the reservist schedule to be packed during the December period. I have been having back to back In Camp Trainings since I came back from my Hong Kong trip. During this period when everyone is clearing their leaves and resting at home, I am slogging at work.. sigh.. hopefully next Christmas will be better.
Ok, time to stop. I will update the other information soon, when I have more time =)
Monday, December 29, 2008
Friday, October 24, 2008
Lost Memories..
It seems like I have been neglecting this blog of mine, where in fact, I was actually quite free in the office. It has always been the case, that I have alot of ideas to write about, but when I started to type something, everything goes blank. And the only things I can remember are the drips and drags of the initial ideas that I wanted to pen down. But then again, if I dun start somewhere, when will I ever start? Ok, so I have decided to pen down what I can remember, some of the initial ideas that I wanted to write about.. Here goes...
1. Perspective : Everyone have their own perspective on how they percieve something. Where some people would just keep to themselves, there are some who will like to make theirs known to all. A minority(I hope) would also force theirs onto other people. However, did they think about the feeling of the person whom they force their perspective onto? How can you impose your thinking on another person when you have not gone through what they have? Therefore, I think that those people who do that are actually talking crap. (I cannot remember the rest already..haha..)
2. Communications : The Art of Communications. Not everyone is able to hold a conversation well, but I do know a few who can. I myself is not capable of holding an intelligent conversation, but when it comes to talking crap, I believe I should be among the cream of the crop(lolx). However, I would like to focus on those who have a strong desire to outspeak the other party during a conversation, basically, those who do not want to lose. They probably do not realise, but that creates a 'barrier' around them, leading to eventually, other people who are not as outspoken, to stop talking to them. Because seriously, who will feel good if he/she is CONSTANTLY outspoken and losing? I bet you will not feel good as well right? (Same case, cannot remember much..)
These are the 2 for now. I will add on on my next post when I can remember more of what I had wanted to write. There are a few more, but sadly, I cannot remember except for the title. Therefore, I will not write them down for now. Stay tuned for my next post =)
PS: The above post is not targetted at anyone specifically. These are just my thoughts and perspective. So, please do not read too much into it =)
1. Perspective : Everyone have their own perspective on how they percieve something. Where some people would just keep to themselves, there are some who will like to make theirs known to all. A minority(I hope) would also force theirs onto other people. However, did they think about the feeling of the person whom they force their perspective onto? How can you impose your thinking on another person when you have not gone through what they have? Therefore, I think that those people who do that are actually talking crap. (I cannot remember the rest already..haha..)
2. Communications : The Art of Communications. Not everyone is able to hold a conversation well, but I do know a few who can. I myself is not capable of holding an intelligent conversation, but when it comes to talking crap, I believe I should be among the cream of the crop(lolx). However, I would like to focus on those who have a strong desire to outspeak the other party during a conversation, basically, those who do not want to lose. They probably do not realise, but that creates a 'barrier' around them, leading to eventually, other people who are not as outspoken, to stop talking to them. Because seriously, who will feel good if he/she is CONSTANTLY outspoken and losing? I bet you will not feel good as well right? (Same case, cannot remember much..)
These are the 2 for now. I will add on on my next post when I can remember more of what I had wanted to write. There are a few more, but sadly, I cannot remember except for the title. Therefore, I will not write them down for now. Stay tuned for my next post =)
PS: The above post is not targetted at anyone specifically. These are just my thoughts and perspective. So, please do not read too much into it =)
Friday, October 3, 2008
As the title suggests..Yes, I'm being tempted.. Of course, by gadgets again...
This has always been the case ever since I was introduced into the world of computers at the tender age of 10. Yes, at age 10. While other boys of that age were playing catching, hide-and-seek, pak goli, I was at home fixing computers. Nope, I'm not those geeky kid with those 50mm glasses. In fact, I was considered the sporting kind. Hmm.. How did I manage my time back then, juggling between playing with the other boys out there and being a computer geek back in my room? *wonders*
I can be considered one of those 'well-to-do' kid, as back then, a computer was considered an expensive toy. I do not have 1, but 2, in my house. 1 belonging to my elder brother, and 1 to me. Both of them were DIY-ed. Can you believe it? A DIY computer by a 10 year old kid? Actually, it was my brother who taught me how to fix mine up. He also taught me the basic troubleshooting. From then, my interest in gadgets started growing.
Ok, too long winded about the past.. Fast forward, so now you know how my craving for new gadgets come about. Back to the topic..
I was having dinner with my buddy the other day at Causeway Point when I found out that he had gotten an iPhone. I played with it for a while and the temptation started to grow in me to get one as well. I orginally wanted to get the iPhone because I wanted a 3G phone with a GPS capability, because I didn't want to spend extra money to get a GPS. So when Singtel announced that they were going to release the iPhone, I placed a reservation.
However, my brother found a HTC phone during his trip in Phuket, and he decided to use that phone instead, passing his Dopod phone to me, which has a GPS function. Then, I decided that since I have gotten what I wanted, I can forget about the iPhone. But as time goes by, more of my friends started to switch to the iPhone, and after playing with the iPhone, my heart began to itch.
Not only the iPhone, I had wanted to get the Nintendo Wii as well. And PS3. Haha, all these are written on my Wishlist. HOWEVER, I know that now is not the time to get these gadgets YET, since I do not need them URGENTLY. Once in a while, I will still crave for them, but somehow rather, that angel of mine will pop out to remind me that I have to save up for the upcoming events... =)
So now what I can do is pray that I strike TOTO or 4D, then all these gadgets will find their way to my house.. Hehehehehe...
This has always been the case ever since I was introduced into the world of computers at the tender age of 10. Yes, at age 10. While other boys of that age were playing catching, hide-and-seek, pak goli, I was at home fixing computers. Nope, I'm not those geeky kid with those 50mm glasses. In fact, I was considered the sporting kind. Hmm.. How did I manage my time back then, juggling between playing with the other boys out there and being a computer geek back in my room? *wonders*
I can be considered one of those 'well-to-do' kid, as back then, a computer was considered an expensive toy. I do not have 1, but 2, in my house. 1 belonging to my elder brother, and 1 to me. Both of them were DIY-ed. Can you believe it? A DIY computer by a 10 year old kid? Actually, it was my brother who taught me how to fix mine up. He also taught me the basic troubleshooting. From then, my interest in gadgets started growing.
Ok, too long winded about the past.. Fast forward, so now you know how my craving for new gadgets come about. Back to the topic..
I was having dinner with my buddy the other day at Causeway Point when I found out that he had gotten an iPhone. I played with it for a while and the temptation started to grow in me to get one as well. I orginally wanted to get the iPhone because I wanted a 3G phone with a GPS capability, because I didn't want to spend extra money to get a GPS. So when Singtel announced that they were going to release the iPhone, I placed a reservation.
However, my brother found a HTC phone during his trip in Phuket, and he decided to use that phone instead, passing his Dopod phone to me, which has a GPS function. Then, I decided that since I have gotten what I wanted, I can forget about the iPhone. But as time goes by, more of my friends started to switch to the iPhone, and after playing with the iPhone, my heart began to itch.
Not only the iPhone, I had wanted to get the Nintendo Wii as well. And PS3. Haha, all these are written on my Wishlist. HOWEVER, I know that now is not the time to get these gadgets YET, since I do not need them URGENTLY. Once in a while, I will still crave for them, but somehow rather, that angel of mine will pop out to remind me that I have to save up for the upcoming events... =)
So now what I can do is pray that I strike TOTO or 4D, then all these gadgets will find their way to my house.. Hehehehehe...
Monday, September 29, 2008
I had wanted to blog for a few times prior to this. However, whenever a thought struck me, and I started to log in to blog, I realised that except for that one or two liner, I do not have anything else to write about. That's probably me, since I can not express myself well, and that I have problems elaborating things.
There were so many instances I saw and wanted to write about, but wasn't really ready to write. So, in order to improve this 'problem' of mine, I have decided to blog down this post, by hook or by crook.
I happened to look at this sign in my office, then inspiration struck me. again. I'll upload the photo of the sign when I can take a picture of it lolx..
Anyway, the sign says " Nobody Notices What I Do Till I Don't Do It"
Looking at it, I can't help but wonder, when was the last time my boss showed appreciation for my work. Has it become a 'taken for granted' thing? More often than not, most people tend to take for granted what other people had done for them. Is it THAT difficult to give a praise? Or has the rising prices made people more thrifty with praises? Does it EVEN cost you a cent?
I believed that is the 'problem' with most people, including myself. We failed to realise the power of praising. More often than not, we do not appreciate those people that have done work for you. However, we will always remember the mistakes and wrong doings of the other people.
I'm sure everyone of us have had this kind of feeling before, and I can assure you, nobody likes it when you are being remembered for your mistakes instead of your achievements. If you share the same sentiments with me, please learn to appreciate other people.
I shall end with the following quote, by myself.. Hahahha
"Nobody likes to do things for other people, appreciate those who do, and you shall receive more" =)
There were so many instances I saw and wanted to write about, but wasn't really ready to write. So, in order to improve this 'problem' of mine, I have decided to blog down this post, by hook or by crook.
I happened to look at this sign in my office, then inspiration struck me. again. I'll upload the photo of the sign when I can take a picture of it lolx..
Anyway, the sign says " Nobody Notices What I Do Till I Don't Do It"
Looking at it, I can't help but wonder, when was the last time my boss showed appreciation for my work. Has it become a 'taken for granted' thing? More often than not, most people tend to take for granted what other people had done for them. Is it THAT difficult to give a praise? Or has the rising prices made people more thrifty with praises? Does it EVEN cost you a cent?
I believed that is the 'problem' with most people, including myself. We failed to realise the power of praising. More often than not, we do not appreciate those people that have done work for you. However, we will always remember the mistakes and wrong doings of the other people.
I'm sure everyone of us have had this kind of feeling before, and I can assure you, nobody likes it when you are being remembered for your mistakes instead of your achievements. If you share the same sentiments with me, please learn to appreciate other people.
I shall end with the following quote, by myself.. Hahahha
"Nobody likes to do things for other people, appreciate those who do, and you shall receive more" =)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Reflections On Australia Trip
Just last month, I went to Australia with 2 of my buddies to have a gathering with another buddy who was bonking, oops, I mean studying, happily, in Australia. It was a pity that one more of our buddy was not able to make it due to some committments, but nontheless, we spent a good 7 days over, visiting places like Margaret River, Argusta, Albany and Perth. The trip was fun, but what was better was the accompany that I had with me. What are buddies for..

I became friends with them during my poly days, which is like 7 years ago. Since then, we have been planning to go on an overseas trip together, but never once was it materialised. I'm glad that after so long of planning and talking, this trip happened. Now, with the start of one, I believe more will come.

Even though we might have some differences (The bonking one was taking the photo)
But I am glad that our paths crossed... (Who's the local?)
I thank you guys, for being my buddies.. And I hope that 30 years down the road, we will be like those uncles, sitting together drinking coffee or beer, reminiscing the good old days..

I became friends with them during my poly days, which is like 7 years ago. Since then, we have been planning to go on an overseas trip together, but never once was it materialised. I'm glad that after so long of planning and talking, this trip happened. Now, with the start of one, I believe more will come.

Even though we might have some differences (The bonking one was taking the photo)
But I am glad that our paths crossed... (Who's the local?)
I thank you guys, for being my buddies.. And I hope that 30 years down the road, we will be like those uncles, sitting together drinking coffee or beer, reminiscing the good old days..

Monday, August 25, 2008
Boring Monday
As the title states, it IS a boring Monday. I am in the office while most of my colleagues are clearing their off day from yesterday's 21km run. The Army Half Marathon, or AHM as we call it. This is the time where you will get to see alot of your past colleagues and friends, all gathered early in the morning for the run. Of course, other then the Army personnel, the public does register for the run. Afterall, there is a goodie bag to be collected. Singaporeans...
Well, back to my first statement, why am I in the office when everyone else is clearing their off day? I guess its probably because everyone is clearing their off day and that no one will be in the office results in why I am in the office today. Not that I am particularly hardworking, it is just that I think this is the perfect time to slack in the office with no one bothering you. I can always claim my off day on another day when I have better or more urgent things to attend to outside.
Being in the office when not much people are around does have its advantages, like what I am doing now, to blog, surf the net and play my psp. How often can you do these during office hours? To think of it, actually I do it all the time when there is nothing for me to do in the office. But that is besides the point. When there is not much people in the office, you can have the quietness to really think and plan your work(if there is), or other things, which is what I like personally.
I think I shall pen off here. I shall get a nap in the office in preparation for tonight's chores *wink*
Well, back to my first statement, why am I in the office when everyone else is clearing their off day? I guess its probably because everyone is clearing their off day and that no one will be in the office results in why I am in the office today. Not that I am particularly hardworking, it is just that I think this is the perfect time to slack in the office with no one bothering you. I can always claim my off day on another day when I have better or more urgent things to attend to outside.
Being in the office when not much people are around does have its advantages, like what I am doing now, to blog, surf the net and play my psp. How often can you do these during office hours? To think of it, actually I do it all the time when there is nothing for me to do in the office. But that is besides the point. When there is not much people in the office, you can have the quietness to really think and plan your work(if there is), or other things, which is what I like personally.
I think I shall pen off here. I shall get a nap in the office in preparation for tonight's chores *wink*
Friday, August 22, 2008
The Birth Of My Blog
Ok folks, after much procrastinating, I have decided to start blogging, again. Previously, I was blogging through the Friendster's blog, but I have decided to shift over to Blogspot instead. The reasons why I wanted to blog still remains largely the same, which is:
1. To improve my English.
2. To update my friends of my well being and stuffs.
3. To share with my friends, my thoughts and thinking.
4. To share with my friends, my experience.
5. My reflections.
Probably these are the few things that my blog will consist. Well, I cannot really think of a better way to start my blog, so that explains this crappy post. Stay tuned for my next post, whenever, wherever I feel like posting =)
1. To improve my English.
2. To update my friends of my well being and stuffs.
3. To share with my friends, my thoughts and thinking.
4. To share with my friends, my experience.
5. My reflections.
Probably these are the few things that my blog will consist. Well, I cannot really think of a better way to start my blog, so that explains this crappy post. Stay tuned for my next post, whenever, wherever I feel like posting =)
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