Friday, October 24, 2008

Lost Memories..

It seems like I have been neglecting this blog of mine, where in fact, I was actually quite free in the office. It has always been the case, that I have alot of ideas to write about, but when I started to type something, everything goes blank. And the only things I can remember are the drips and drags of the initial ideas that I wanted to pen down. But then again, if I dun start somewhere, when will I ever start? Ok, so I have decided to pen down what I can remember, some of the initial ideas that I wanted to write about.. Here goes...

1. Perspective : Everyone have their own perspective on how they percieve something. Where some people would just keep to themselves, there are some who will like to make theirs known to all. A minority(I hope) would also force theirs onto other people. However, did they think about the feeling of the person whom they force their perspective onto? How can you impose your thinking on another person when you have not gone through what they have? Therefore, I think that those people who do that are actually talking crap. (I cannot remember the rest already..haha..)

2. Communications : The Art of Communications. Not everyone is able to hold a conversation well, but I do know a few who can. I myself is not capable of holding an intelligent conversation, but when it comes to talking crap, I believe I should be among the cream of the crop(lolx). However, I would like to focus on those who have a strong desire to outspeak the other party during a conversation, basically, those who do not want to lose. They probably do not realise, but that creates a 'barrier' around them, leading to eventually, other people who are not as outspoken, to stop talking to them. Because seriously, who will feel good if he/she is CONSTANTLY outspoken and losing? I bet you will not feel good as well right? (Same case, cannot remember much..)

These are the 2 for now. I will add on on my next post when I can remember more of what I had wanted to write. There are a few more, but sadly, I cannot remember except for the title. Therefore, I will not write them down for now. Stay tuned for my next post =)

PS: The above post is not targetted at anyone specifically. These are just my thoughts and perspective. So, please do not read too much into it =)

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