Was supposed to blogged earlier, but the lappy was busy with resizing pictures and downloading apps updates. Things were moving kinda slow, perhaps its a hint that I should change my lappy soon. This lappy have been with me for the past 8 years. I think most of my friends would be saying that I'm crazy and should just go ahead and change it. But then again, this lappy had served me well and, well, there's no need to change it yet because its still working perfectly fine, less a few glitches here and there. It is more of a want than a need, so I guess it will have to wait.
Anyway, here's the pictures for the day:

This was a meal that I cooked up for my loved one during one of the days. Although it was a simple meal, just some toufu, chicken, pork belly and fried rice, it took me quite a while to get it done. Of course, it wasn't restaurant standard, I think its not even hawker centre standard, but at least it was a meal from the heart. Haha. Although my loved one always finish the food, I hope that she didn't do it because she had to, but instead, finished it because it was nice =p
Here's the second picture for passing the 0000 hrs:

Can you make out what is this picture? Yup, it is none other than The Bob Dog! My loved one drew this while I was painting my room the other day. She wanted to help me paint my room initially, but I think she didn't knew it was so tiring. She gave up after painting 2 walls of my 2 rooms, leaving me to finish up the rest. Although she didn't paint much, she tried to entertain me by drawing her 'favourite' character on the walls that I was going to paint to cheer me on. Thanks my dear!
Here's the 3 things that made me smile today;
1. The first thing that made me smile today was that my loved one accompanied my dad and I to breakfast! She would usually be working on Sundays and rarely enjoys her Sunday off once every month. Most of the time she would be getting her beauty sleep on her Sunday off, but today, she volunteered to go breakfast with us. That definitely brought a smile to my face.
2. I was out shopping with my loved one today. We went to quite a few places. At first I was quite worried because she wasn't the type that would walk alot and that she hated the hot weather. But today, we went from Marina Square to Suntec, back to Marina Square and down to Marina Bay Sands and then back again to Marina Square, and she didn't complained! That again, brought another smile to my face!
3. The third thing that made me smile was my dinner with my loved one. We came back to Marina Square and was thinking of which restaurant to have our dinner when I suggested we try out this chinese restaurant called 'Pu Tien'. It was quite a famous restaurant and I have been wanting to try it. So we went ahead and ordered a fish, vegetables and pork belly(I will upload the pictures next time). The meal turned out to be as good as I expected, and my loved one and I had a great dinner. How did I know my loved one enjoyed the meal? Simple, she finished her bowl of rice! Hahaha..
That's all for today, back to work tomorrow~