Was doing some housework, therefore the lateness in blogging. Now that my parents are on a holiday trip, it is the time to tidy up the living room! Something that I have always wanted to do but unable to because if they were around, they would be nagging and stopping me from throwing away anything =p Enough said, here's picture number 1:

I guess I must be pretty hungry when I was selecting the pictures for this post. Anyway, this greenish/sick/disgusting/and whatever #$!^#$ you can think of color dish was what I had when I was holidaying in Korea in 2008. Some of you might wonder why did I actually ordered such a dish? Well, I was on tour and it was part of the tour package, so I didn't have much choice. Although it may look ugly, it was pretty tasty instead and for all those out there still guessing what was it actually, it was a bowl of abalone porridge.
Here's picture number 2:

This was what I had during the first night of free and easy of my Korea trip. This is much simpler to guess I think. Yes, it was sweet potato. We saw this uncle set up his shop by the road side while we were walking around. At first, we didn't know what he was selling until we came up close and he happened to open one of the 'drawers'. This was the way the uncle was keeping his sweet potato hot during the cold winter period. Athough the sweet potato wasn't exactly as tasty as it should be, but having a hot sweet potato in the middle of a cold cold winter night, definitely made it taste so much nicer =)
Now for the 3 things that made me smile today:
1. I brought breakfast for my loved one and had it together with her this morning. Although she wasn't in a very good mood because her sleep was disturbed by her god-nephew, she still greeted me with a smile when I reached her house. That alone will bring a smile to my face anytime.
2. The second thing that made me smile today was my shopping trip with my loved one and her god-nephew. We went to town after her work and we did some shopping along Orchard Road. She was looking for a work bag, but haven been able to find one after awhile. During the shopping trip, she was mentioning something about me able to buy the iPad because the price had dropped. I then made a teasing statement against my loved one and she took awhile to realised it. That made me smile because it was one of those very few moments that I actually outwit her!
3. The third thing that made me smile today was my spring cleaning session. As I was mentioning earlier, I was tidying up my living room dining table just now. Seeing it from a mountain of rubbish to a proper dining table sure puts a smile on my face.
Thats all for today. Hope everyone had a nice weekend. The next weekend is going come soon. Hang in there~
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