Thursday, February 3, 2011

Picture for 020211

Oh shit, I can't believe I broke the chain again. Therefore, again, there will be 2 pictures in this post.

Here's picture 1:

I was at the carpark getting my car when I saw this interesting sight. I immediately whipped out my camera to try to get a shot of it. Although its quite difficult to get a very clear shot, I think this picture has captured the essence of it all. Look carefully and you will see what I mean =)

Ok, here's picture 2:

I was at Qian Hu Fish Farm when I took this shot. They have this type of small fish that eats the fungus off your body. They vary in sizes, I guess, depending on the amount of 'food' they had. It feels tickerish at first, but after awhile, you feel good because you know your feet is much cleaner. There are alot afew massage centres out there that have this type of fish, but they cost a bomb. Qian Hu is so much cheaper.

Ok, this is the 2nd time I didn't keep to my posting. At this rate, I'm going to run out of pictures pretty soon..Haha..

Happy Lunar New Year!! Gong Xi Fa Cai!! Hong Bao Many Many!! Huat Ar!!!!!!!!


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